Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of the Environment to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $2,384,797 from the California Energy Commission's Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program to implement an Electric Vehicle Ready Blueprint to accelerate local vehicle electrification for the period of August 1, 2022, through March 29, 2024; as a term of the grant agreement, Google, EVgo, and other City agencies will provide in-kind services and equipment for use by the public; and approving the grant agreement pursuant to Charter, Section 9.118(a).
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Grant Info Form 020422, 3. Grant Application, 4. DRAFT Grant Agreement, 5. Award Notice 091321, 6. Revised Notice of Proposed Award 091321, 7. Grant Budget, 8. Climate Action Plan 2021, 9. ENV Memo 031622, 10. BLA Rpt 040622, 11. Cmte Pkt 040622, 12. Leg Ver2, 13. BLA Rpt 071322, 14. Cmte Pkt 071322, 15. ENV Presentation 071322, 16. Leg Ver3, 17. Board Pkt 071922, 18. BLA Rpt 101922, 19. Cmte Pkt 101922, 20. ENV Presentation 101922, 21. Board Pkt 102522, 22. ENV Explanation Retro 101722, 23. Leg Final