Ordinance amending the General Plan by adding the Central South of Market (SoMa) Area Plan, generally bounded on its western portion by Sixth Street, on its eastern portion by Second Street, on its northern portion by the border of the Downtown Plan Area, and on its southern portion by Townsend Street; making conforming amendments to the Commerce and Industry Element, the Housing Element, the Urban Design Element, the Land Use Index, and the East SoMa and West SoMa Area Plans; and making environmental findings, including adopting a statement of overriding considerations, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. City Atty Ltr 051518, 4. PC Reso No. 20119, 5. PC Motion No. 20182, 6. PC Reso No. 20183, 7. PC Reso No. 20184, 8. PC Reso No. 20185, 9. PC Reso No. 20186, 10. PC Reso No. 20187, 11. PC Exec Summary 2011.1356EMTZU 051018, 12. PC Case Rpt 2011.1356E, 13. PC Case Rpt 2011.1356M, 14. PC Case Rpt 2011.1356T, 15. PC Case Rpt 2011.1356Z, 16. PC Case Rpt 2011.1356U, 17. PLN Ltr 051418, 18. Hearing Notice 062918, 19. Comm Pkt 070918, 20. Comm Pkt 071618, 21. Comm Pkt 072318, 22. HPC Letter 081418, 23. Comm Pkt 091018, 24. Comm Pkt 100118, 25. Comm Pkt 101518, 26. Comm Pkt 102218, 27. Comm Pkt 102918, 28. Comm Pkt 110518, 29. Board Pkt 111318, 30. Board Pkt 112718, 31. Leg Final