File #: 201248    Version: 1 Name: Hearing - Appeal of Determination of Community Plan Evaluation - 350-352 San Jose Avenue
Type: Hearing Status: Filed
Introduced: 10/26/2020 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: Final action: 12/8/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to a Community Plan Evaluation by the Planning Department under the California Environmental Quality Act issued on September 23, 2020, for the proposed project at 350-352 San Jose Avenue, approved on September 24, 2020, for a proposed horizontal addition and a five-foot, eight-inch vertical addition to add eight dwelling units and an accessory dwelling unit to an existing two-story over basement, four-dwelling residential building for a total of 13 dwelling units within the RM-2 (Residential Mixed, Moderate-Density) Zoning District and the 40-X Height and Bulk District, including lifting and relocating the building 23 feet forward towards San Jose Avenue. (District 8) (Appellant: Stephen M. Williams of Law Offices of Stephen M. Williams, on behalf of Elisabeth Kranier) (Filed October 26, 2020)
Attachments: 1. Appeal Ltr 102620, 2. COB Ltr 102820, 3. PLN Memo 110220, 4. COB Ltr 110420, 5. Public Hearing Notice 112420, 6. PLN Response Brief 113020, 7. PLN Resp Attachment A - Shadow Analysis, 8. PLN Resp Attachment B - CPE and Initial Study, 9. Appellant Withdrawal Letter 113020, 10. Board Pkt 120820
Legislation Details
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