Ordinance de-appropriating $377,000 from General City Responsibility and $150,000 from Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA); and re-appropriating $100,000 to the Arts Commission (ART) for mural artwork, $98,000 to Children, Youth and Their Families (CHF) for playground upgrades, youth nutrition education, and food security; $25,000 to the Department of Emergency Services (DEM) for emergency preparedness training and capacity building; $49,000 to the Department of Public Works (DPW) for irrigation system, outdoor seating area, and trees and plants in three locations; $50,000 to the Department of Economic and Community Development (ECN) for small business rainy day funds; $25,000 to the Recreation and Park Department (REC) for removal of storm damage and hazardous trees from Mount Sutro; $30,000 to the Police Department (POL) for cameras in the Inner Sunset; and $150,000 to the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) for community space design, traffic calming, and traffic safety at three locations in Fiscal Year (FY) FY2023-24.