Resolution authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency to enter into an agreement with IPS Group, Inc., for the procurement of single-space parking meters and support services, for an amount not to exceed $51,200,000 and for a term of five years, to commence following Board approval, with the option to extend the contract for up to two additional years.
1. Leg_Ver1, 2. MTA_Ltr_092313, 3. Agrmt_Parking_Meters, 4. Expenditures_Table, 5. Appendix_A, 6. Appendix_B, 7. Appendix_D, 8. Appendix_E, 9. Budget_Analysts_Rpt_100913, 10. Comm_Pkt_100913, 11. Board_Pkt_102213, 12. Board_Pkt_110513, 13. Board_Pkt_112613, 14. Leg_Ver2, 15. MTA_Res_13-253, 16. Form_126, 17. Leg_Final, 18. Form_126