Ordinance appropriating $587,756,000 of proceeds from revenue bonds, wastewater revenue, state grants, and bond interest income for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Wastewater Enterprise’s Capital Improvement Program, comprised of $299,402,000 for FY2012-2013, and $288,354,000 for FY2013-2014, and placing $255,600,000 on Board Finance Committee reserve as well as placing all applicable appropriations by project on Controller’s reserve subject to SFPUC's and Board of Supervisors' discretionary approval following completion of project-related analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, where required, and receipt of proceeds of indebtedness, accept and expend a Department of Water Resources administered grant in the amount of $24,147,000 and allow reimbursement of prior expenditures, funded from Wastewater Revenue Bonds, to be funded by the grant retroactive to December 2011; notabIy if the State delays the disbursement of the $24,147,000 in grant funding, Wastewater Revenue Bonds may be substituted as a source for the grant funds.