Ordinance amending the Administrative Code and Planning Code to streamline contracting for homeless shelters, and siting of homeless shelters by, among other things, authorizing the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) to enter into and amend contracts without requiring competitive bidding for professional and other services relating to sites and programs for people experiencing homelessness (Projects Addressing Homelessness); authorizing Public Works to enter into and amend contracts without adhering to the Environment Code or to provisions relating to competitive bidding, equal benefits, local business enterprise utilization, and other requirements, for construction work and professional and other services relating to Projects Addressing Homelessness; permitting Homeless Shelters in PDR (Production Distribution Repair) and SALI (Service/Arts/Light Industrial) Districts; authorizing HSH to operate Navigation Centers for more than two years; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Referral PC 013019, 4. Referral FYI 013019, 5. Referral CEQA 013019, 6. Leg Ver2, 7. Leg Dig Ver2, 8. Referral PC 021919, 9. Referral FYI 021519, 10. PLN Transmittal 30119, 11. Referral CEQA 021519, 12. Leg Ver3, 13. Leg Dig Ver3, 14. Referral PC 030819, 15. Referral CEQA 030819, 16. Referral FYI 030819, 17. Comm Pkt 031119, 18. Leg Ver 4, 19. Leg Dig Ver4, 20. Board Pkt 031919, 21. Pub Correspondence 031919, 22. Board Pkt 040219, 23. Post-Packet Material 040219, 24. Leg Final, 25. PW Memo 022520