Resolution approving three emergency public work contracts under Administrative Code, Section 6.60, with Cotton, Shires and Associates, Inc.; ARUP North America Limited; and Geostabilization International for the Telegraph Hill Rock Slope Improvement Project to provide design support and stabilization and construction of the Northwest face of Telegraph Hill above Lombard and Winthrop Streets below Pioneer Park and Coit Tower with a total aggregate amount not to exceed $5,920,709.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. PW Ltr 061815, 3. Mitigation Work Agrmt 081314, 4. PW Ltr 061815, 5. Project Image, 6. BOS File No 140627 062014, 7. Bdgt Analyst Rpt 072215, 8. Comm Pkt 072215, 9. DPW Order No 183052, 10. DPW Order No. 182776, 11. DPW Order No. 182748, 12. Form 126, 13. Form 126, 14. Form 126, 15. Leg Ver2, 16. Board Pkt 072815, 17. Form 126 Final, 18. Leg Final